Attorney Sheila Shadman Emerson

Super Lawyers 2024 Rising Star

Attorney Sheila Shadman Emerson has been selected by Super Lawyers to the 2024 Wisconsin Rising Star List! Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, honors attorneys who exhibit excellence in the practice of law. Every year, attorneys are selected through a multiphase process based on nominations, independent research, and peer evaluations.  The Rising Stars designation from Super Lawyers names only 2.5% of all licensed attorneys in the State of Wisconsin. Congratulations, Sheila for repeatedly making this prestigious designation!

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Outstanding Faculty Award

Paralegal, Kimberly Finnigan, has received the 2023 Outstanding Faculty Award from the National Business Institute (NBI). In determining eligibility for the award, NBI considers quantity of speaking engagements and presentation quality. NBI reviews a variety of factors, including course evaluations. Congratulations, Kimberly!

See her list of seminars and presentations here.

Attorney Sheila Shadman Emerson

Super Lawyers 2023 Rising Star

Once agian, Attorney Sheila Shadman Emerson has been selected by Super Lawyers to the 2023 Wisconsin Rising Star List! Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, honors attorneys who exhibit excellence in the practice of law. Every year, attorneys are selected through a multiphase process based on nominations, independent research, and peer evaluations.  The Rising Stars designation from Super Lawyers names only 2.5% of all licensed attorneys in the State of Wisconsin. Congratulations, Sheila!

See her listing in Milwaukee Magazine.

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Attorney Sheila Shadman Emerson

Super Lawyers 2022 Rising Star

Attorney Sheila Shadman Emerson has again been selected by Super Lawyers to the 2022 Wisconsin Rising Star List! Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, honors attorneys who exhibit excellence in the practice of law. Every year, attorneys are selected through a multiphase process based on nominations, independent research, and peer evaluations.  The Rising Stars designation from Super Lawyers represents only 2.5% of all licensed attorneys in the State of Wisconsin. Congratulations, Sheila!

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Super Lawyers 2020 and 2021 Rising Star

Attorneys James J. Irvine and Sheila Shadman Emerson have again been selected by Super Lawyers to the 2020 and 2021 Wisconsin Rising Stars list. Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, honors attorneys who exhibit excellence in the practice of law. Every year, attorneys are selected through a multiphase process based on nominations, independent research and peer evaluations. The Rising Stars designation from Super Lawyers represents only 2.5% of all licensed attorneys in the state of Wisconsin.

Halloin Law Group, S.C.

2019 Winner for Best Construction Law Firm

Halloin Law Group, S.C. is named as a winner by the Wisconsin Law Journal for Best Construction Law Firm.


Super Lawyers 2019 Rising Star

Attorneys James J. Irvine and Sheila Shadman Emerson have been selected by Super Lawyers to the 2019 Wisconsin Rising Stars list. Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, honors attorneys who exhibit excellence in the practice of law. Every year, attorneys are selected through a multiphase process based on nominations, independent research and peer evaluations. The Rising Stars designation from Super Lawyers represents only 2.5% of all licensed attorneys in the state of Wisconsin.

Paralegal Kimberly Finnigan

Document Retention Policies and Electronic Filing

Check out Wisconsin Law Journal's What to Know About Document Retention Policies and Electronic Filing Systems, by Kimberly Finnigan, Paralegal 

Paralegal Kimberly Finnigan

Wisconsin Law Journal’s Unsung Heroes

Paralegal, Kimberly M. Finnigan was named an Unsung Hero by Wisconsin Law Journal. The Halloin Law Group team congratulates Kimberly on this distinguished award.

Halloin Law Group, S.C.

NARI Member

Halloin Law Group, S.C. is a member of the National Association of The Remodeling Industry. NARI is a great resource for homeowners and remodelers. Check out our listing on the NARI website here!

Halloin Law Group, S.C.


Halloin Law Group, S.C. received an honorable mention for best construction law firm from the Wisconsin Law Journal. Find out more about the Wisconsin Law Journal.

Attorney Sheila L. Shadman Emerson

Wisconsin Law Journal’s 2016 Women in the Law

Attorney Sheila L. Shadman Emerson was selected as one of the 2016 Women in the Law by the Wisconsin Law Journal. The June 23, 2016 event was the 13th annual event hosted by the Wisconsin Law Journal featuring top attorneys in the state. Attorney Shadman Emerson was recognized for her legal work and work as an adjunct professor at Marquette University. We congratulate Sheila on this distinguished award.

Supporting the Milwaukee Justice Center

Halloin | Murdock was a sponsor for the Milwaukee Justice Center 5k Run held on June 22, 2016!  To find out more information about the Milwaukee Justice Center, click

Attorney Scott Halloin

In the News

Attorney Scott Halloin has contributed to the 2016 Successful Litigation published by the Wisconsin Law Journal with the article titled “How to Succeed Against the Odds: Halloin Murdock Case Proves You Don’t Always Get What You Pay For.”

Halloin Law Group, S.C.

Attorney Named Milwaukee Leading Lawyers

Attorney Scott Halloin has been named as 2015 Leading Lawyers by M Magazine. The list includes the top 5% to 10% of attorneys in Milwaukee in various areas of practice. Attorney Scott Halloin was recognized as a Leading Lawyer in Construction/Development. The firm was also profiled in the Lawyers Worth Knowing section of the July 2015 issue of M Magazine.

Supporting the Right to Access the Justice System

It was another great turnout at the 2015 Milwaukee Justice Center’s 5th Annual 5k Run for Justice! The Halloin | Murdock team joined participants for an evening race at Veteran’s Park on the Milwaukee lakefront on June 17, 2015. Members of the Milwaukee community gathered to run and walk to support a great cause.  Thanks to the MJC for hosting a wonderful event!

Tails on the Trails

On June 14, 2015, the Halloin | Murdock team co-sponsored and participated in the Tails on the Trail 5k run and 1 mile walk.  

To learn more about the Wisconsin Human Society and the Tails on the Trail event, click here.

Attorney Sheila Shadman Emerson

Giving Back

In November, Halloin | Murdock and others assisted in the fundraising efforts of the Cumberland Elementary School Girls on the Run team, coached by Halloin | Murdock’s team member, Attorney Sheila Shadman Emerson. Girls on the Run is an organization with a mission to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. For their community impact project, the girls elected to hold a bake sale in their community to raise money for the Wisconsin Humane Society. Others, including Halloin | Murdock were so moved by the girls’ efforts that they matched the girls’ donation. Click here to learn more about the Wisconsin Humane Society and how you can help.

Habitat for Humanity

In October, the Halloin | Murdock team volunteered with Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity and installed drywall in a home for a family in the Washington Park neighborhood. With the help of volunteers in the community, Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity works to address the universal need for decent and affordable housing. Click here to learn more about Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity and how to get involved with the organization.

Attorney Scott Halloin

Milwaukee Leading Lawyers

Attorney Scott Halloin has been named as 2014 Leading Lawyers by M Magazine. The list includes the top 5% to 10% of attorneys in Milwaukee in various areas of practice. Attorney Scott Halloin was recognized as Leading Lawyers in Construction/Development. The firm was also profiled in the Lawyers Worth Knowing section of the July 2014 issue of M Magazine.

Run for Justice

The Halloin | Murdock team co-sponsored and participated in the Fourth Annual Milwaukee Justice Center 5k Run for Justice, which took place in Veteran’s Park on the Milwaukee lakefront on June 18, 2014. Halloin | Murdock was joined by other members of the Milwaukee legal community to support the legal needs of Milwaukee’s low-income, unrepresented litigants.


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